Rose Syrup & Milk Layered Agar-Agar/ Jelly 玫瑰奶香燕菜

This is another variation of my Butterfly Pea Flower & Coconut Milk Layered Agar-Agar and Rose Syrup Glass Jelly Mooncake. A beautiful red and white layered jelly made using rose syrup for red layer, white layer can be made with coconut milk, fresh milk or evaporated milk. If you like stronger milk flavour, go for fresh milk or evaporated milk, I personally like the more fragrant option, which is coconut milk. ;)


Red Layer:

5g Agar-agar Powder 燕菜粉 5克

430ml Water 水 430毫升

40g Castor Sugar 细砂糖 40克

70ml Rose Syrup 玫瑰糖浆 70毫升

White Layer: 


220g Water 水 220克

4g Agar agar Powder 燕菜粉 4克


255g Milk/ Coconut Milk/ Evaporated Milk 牛奶/ 椰奶/ 淡奶 255克

50g Castor Sugar 细砂糖 50克

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1. Dissolve agar-agar powder in water. Stir in sugar, turn on medium heat, bring to boil. 

2. Stir in rose syrup. Lower heat just enough to keep warm, not boiling.

3. Mix (A), stir to dissolve the powder. Add in (B), bring to boil. Lower heat just enough to keep warm, not boiling.

4. Pour a red layer on the prepared container/ mould. Refrigerate for 3-5 minutes till the jelly layer is just set, the jelly should be still wobbly in the middle. 

5. Pour the white layer on the red layer. Refrigerate for 3-5 minutes till the jelly layer is just set, the jelly should be still wobbly in the middle. 

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to use up all the jelly liquid. Cover and keep in the refrigerator for 1 hour. 
重复步骤 4 和 5 至用完为止。盖上,放进冰箱冷藏1小时。

7. To serve: Gently loosen the sides of the jelly. Place a larger plate on the container, turn it upside down. The jelly will drop on the plate nicely. Slice and serve chilled. 
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